Sunday, April 19, 2009

A slow return

Viewing - done
Funeral - done
Out-of-town guest leaving - in process
Throwing out excess food - done
Making to-do list for upcoming week - done

I know that the only way to return from deep grief is to pray and slowly return to a routine and schedule. My daughter is going to work tomorrow. The baby will be in day care. Tomorrow night I will sleep in my own bed. As much as we would like for time to stand still while the grief is so raw, it doesn't and that is a blessing. As much as my daughter grieves over her baby growing up without her father, it is a blessing that the baby will grow up and learn new things that will help my daughter find a way to see the future.

This is a sad time. An end to something that was never complete. And a beginning of something that was never dreamed.

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