Saturday, February 7, 2009

Already behind

Classes started 1/8. I missed two days (3 classes) due to illness and then 3 days (5 classes) to be with my mother following her surgery. This weekend I am playing catch-up. For my writing class, I have to read all of the handouts from the last two weeks plus working on my project so I can talk intelligently about it on Tuesday. Plus reading in my two other classes.

Then as is wont to be, I have social engagements this weekend. I go weeks in between my social activities and then cram them all into one short period. Tomorrow is a brunch with my bridge group and a former member. Tomorrow night I babysit my granddaughter (may sound like a true social engagement but it is one of the best kinds). On Sunday I have church and then a small belated birthday celebration for my son.
Strangely enough, I will get more done with this kind of schedule than if all I had to do was study. I kind of need the adrenaline rush of having too much to do in too short of time. Way more challenging. It makes more aware of how critical it is that I use my time well. When all I have to do is study, I keep thinking I have so much time that I postpone any real work. It is the same way with housework. If that is all I have to do, well, it won't get done. But if I have other work to do then everything gets done.

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