Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Unsure as to whether to continue blogging, I took the last six weeks off. Then it hit me over the long weekend - this is my last year of law school. What better way to remember this last year than by writing about it.

To say that I have enjoyed law school would be an understatement. I have loved it and have felt truly blessed to have this opportunity. After losing one career, I really struggled to find my place. Going to law school provided me with a sort of "time out." I haven't had to know what I was going to do with my life because, well, I'm in law school. Right now I have a pretty good idea what I am going to be doing through the end of July 2010. After that, who knows.

I can almost make myself sick not having a job as an attorney already lined up. Deep in my heart, I would love to find the one perfect attorney position and work at it for the next 12 years. I'm also smart enough to know that probably won't happen and getting sick about it won't help. So I am trying to just really enjoy this last year.

Isn't that what we are supposed to do any way - enjoy life?

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