Friday, October 1, 2010

I Am

A person who suffers from depression.  Major Depression Disorder to be exact and it has had a hold on me for the last eight weeks.  Not fun. Not fun at all. Most of the time some external conflict triggers my depression but this time it was just me.  We (my doctor and I) thought I was doing so well eight weeks ago that we would try reducing one of my medicines.  The one that causes weight gain and we were going to start small, like 13 mg small.  After the first week I knew something was wrong but thought I needed more time to adjust to the smaller dose.  By the end of the second week, I heard voices and went right back on my regular dose.  Things did not improve (except I stopped hearing voices).  My doctor and therapist couldn't make sense of how bad I continued to feel.  So I visited my family doctor's PA and found out my thyroid wasn't working.  That was two weeks ago.  Since then I have been on my regular dose of antidepressants plus an slight increase in one plus Ambien plus synthroid plus an antibiotic because I also have a kidney infection. 

Monday I knew I was improving.  Tuesday dawned joyous and remained that way.  Wednesday I couldn't stay awake and Thursday I felt a little desperate.  Today was better - not as good as Tuesday but better than the other days.  I hope I continue on the uphill climb.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


My children are very close to my mother.  In fact, Grackie (as they call her) has a very special place in the hearts of all of her grandchildren.  She deserves it because she has unconditionally loved all of them.  Now there are great-grandchildren and, while I cannot speak for the ones in Georgia, I know that her Texas grandchild is equally in love with her.  All trips for Kadyn are "trips to Grackie" and she is so excited when she finally is at Grackie's house.  They have their own little games they play - like picking up rocks in the front yard and stacking the green marble coasters. 

I'm glad these three are in my life.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Roller Coaster Again

Great job opportunity is back on!  If you know me, you will understand that this kind of stuff seems to be normal for me. 

Onward and Upward

For one week, I had my post-law school dream job. Then the offer was rescinded but in such a way that I am still optimistic. Can't wait to see what comes next.